Thursday, May 14, 2009

A long over-due post

*hangs head in shame*

I know, I know... It has been WAY too long since I posted. Especially since I asked y'all to be posting in my last post and then here I am not posting and... wow... yeah. So here is my long over-due blog post that's not even on my correct day.

Advanced EXCEL has kept me crazy busy pretty much all day and even late into the night. My most productive hours of the day seem to be around 9-12:00 PM because that's when I have the most energy and the house is quiet because noisy little brothers are all in bed. I work best when I have a lot of energy and everything is quiet so I can concentrate.

I would definitely appreciate your prayers for me and the rest of us AE girls as we work hard to try and finish our assignments and get ready for Graduation next month. We are almost done! My family just got an invitation for my AE graduation and it just kind of seemed to add to my ever-raising stress level.

This week has been a little discouraging for me for a lot of reasons and it has been a big struggle to keep my focus on Jesus and keep running the race He has called me to run. God has taught me so much this year and, right now, I just want to finish this chapter of my life well.

I love you all!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey, girl! Hang in there.
Don't panic and just keep taking everything one step at a time!
God is faithful, and with His help, you will have everything done and you will be there for graduation (even if I have to drag you there!)! :)

Love you lots and praying for you, Sarah