Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where has the time gone???

Time literally seems to be flying by! I was working on my AE assignments this morning and remembered that it was my day to post again---already!

I very humorously keep track of the weeks flying by with posting on our EXCEL blog on Wednesdays one week and turning in my next AE assignment on Friday of the following week. Oh, well! God has everything under control and I know that He will give me the time that I need to do what I am required to do. With His grace, I can stay on top of things and trust His sufficiency to see me through!

I just want to say that I love you all very much and that I am praying for you! I don't know what each of you is going through right now, but I do know that God will help and encourage you through whatever the situation may be as He works everything out for your good and for His glory. Keep relying on Him and keep your focus on His goal for you. Our Heavenly Father will work out everything else in His good time, and His timing will be perfect for our needs.

Love you so much, my friends!!

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